Monday, February 23, 2015

New carriage design

I have been working on a lot of things at the same time these days, so I couldn't dedicate myself to advancing the Delta Steel design.

However, this weekend I managed to finish the OpenSCAD design of my new carriage for the Delta Steel: basically it's a mix of the Delta-Pi and mini Kossel carriages.

Now, unfortunately only the STL files for the Delta-Pi parts are available, so I had to import the STL for the Delta-Pi carriage into OpenSCAD and add the code from the mini Kossel carriage, plus a couple of small changes.

The end result is this:

The carriage slides on a 20mm square stainless steel tube using 8 x 623ZZ bearings. The 25mm M3 screw and nut on the right make up the endstop adjust assembly.

The two "horns" are the same as those used in the mini Kossel carriage, with the very same spacing, so that I can use the mini Kossel effector directly here.

The M4 20mm screw assembly is used to stress the entire carriage structure and provides the necessary force for the bearings to properly contact the square tube. This very elegant solution was designed by Mike Paauwe for the Delta-Pi and even though I had some a priori reservations about it, after trying it I must say it works perfectly.

I also modified my earlier RAMPS holder design to use evenly-spaced wood screws. I am going to use this part to attach the Arduino / RAMPS / drivers / fan stack to the underside of the Delta Steel base.

Since this is a 100% Open Source project, all my OpenSCAD and STL files will obviously find their way to and Thingiverse once I am done verifying that they indeed work.

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